MAPS: Multiresolution Adaptive Parameterization of Surfaces

Aaron W. F. Lee       Wim Sweldens      Peter Schröder      Lawrence Cowsar      David Dobkin

Abstract: We construct smooth parameterizations of irregular connectivity triangulations of arbitrary genus 2-manifolds. Our algorithm uses hierarchical simplification to efficiently induce a parameterization of the original mesh over a base domain consisting of a small number of triangles. This initial parameterization is further improved through a hierarchical smoothing procedure based on Loop subdivision applied in the parameter domain. Our method supports both fully automatic and user constrained operations. In the latter, we accommodate point and edge constraints to force the alignment of iso-parameter lines with desired features. We show how to use the parameterization for fast, hierarchical subdivision connectivity remeshing with guaranteed error bounds. The remeshing algorithm constructs an adaptively subdivided mesh directly without first resorting to uniform subdivision followed by subsequent sparsification. It thus avoids the exponential cost of the latter. Our parameterizations are also useful for texture mapping and morphing applications, among others.

Status: Computer Graphics Proceedings (SIGGRAPH 98), pp. 95-104, 1998.

BiBTeX entry:

    author = {A. W. F. Lee and W. Sweldens and P. Schr{\"o}der
              and L. Cowsar and D. Dobkin},
    title = {MAPS: Multiresolution Adaptive Parameterization of Surfaces},
    journal = {Computer Graphics Proceedings (SIGGRAPH 98)},
    pages = {95-104},
    publisher = {ACM Siggraph},
    year = {1998}
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Aaron Lee wrote a very nice and easy to read article on MAPS in Gamasutra, the online game developers magazine.

Images and captions:

Figure 1: Overview of our algorithm. Top left: a scanned input mesh (courtesy Cyberware). Next the parameter or base domain, obtained through mesh simplification. Top right: regions of the original mesh colored according to their assigned base domain triangle. Bottom left: adaptive remeshing with subdivision connectivity (ε=1%).


Figure 2-3: Left: Examples of different atomic mesh simplification steps. At the top vertex removal, in the middle half-edge collapse, and edge collapse at the bottom. Middle: A mesh with a maximally independent set of vertices marked by heavy dots. Each vertex in the independent set has its respective star highlighted. Note that the star's of the independent set do not tile the mesh (two triangles are left white). Right: Retriangulation after vertex removal.

Figure 4: Example of a modified DK mesh hierarchy. At the left the finest (original) mesh followed by an intermediate mesh, and the coarsest (base) mesh at the right (original dataset courtesy University of Washington).

Figure 5-6: In order to remove a vertex pi, its star(i) is mapped from 3-space to a plane using the map za. In the plane the central vertex is removed and the resulting hole retriangulated (bottom right). After retriangulation of a hole in the plane (left), the just removed vertex gets assigned barycentric coordinates with respect to the containing triangle on the coarser level (right). Similarly, all the finest level vertices that were mapped to a triangle of the hole now need to be reassigned to a triangle of the coarser level.

Figure 7: Base domain. For each point pi from the original mesh, its mapping Π(pi) is shown with a dot on the base domain.

Figure 8: Although the mapping Π from the original mesh to a base domain triangle is a bijection, triangles do not in general get mapped to triangles. Three vertices of the original mesh get mapped to a concave configuration on the base domain, causing the piecewise linear approximation of the map to flip the triangle.

Figure 9: When a vertex with two incident feature edges is removed, we want to ensure that the subsequent retriangulation adds a new feature edge to replace the two old ones.

Figure 10-11: Left: Remeshing of 3 holed torus using midpoint subdivision. The parameterization is smooth within each base domain triangle, but clearly not across base domain triangles. Right: The same remeshing of the 3-holed torus, but this time with respect to a Loop smoothed parameterization. Note: Because the Loop scheme only enters in smoothing the parameterization the surface shown is still a sampling of the original mesh, not a Loop surface approximation of the original.

Figure 12: Example remesh of a surface with boundaries.

Figure 13: Top (left to right): three levels in the DK pyramid, finest (L=15) with 12946, intermediate (l=8) with 1530, and coarsest (l=0) with 168 triangles. Feature edges, dart and corner vertices survive on the base domain. Bottom (left to right): adaptive mesh with &\epsilon; = 5% and 1120 triangles (left), &\epsilon; = 1% and 3430 triangles (middle), and uniform level 3 (right). (Original dataset courtesy University of Washington.)

Figure 14: Example of a constrained parameterization based on user input. Top: original input mesh (100000 triangles) with edge tags superimposed in red, green lines show some smooth iso-parameter lines of our parameterization. The middle shows an adaptive subdivision connectivity remesh. The bottom one patches corresponding to the eye regions (right eye was constrained, left eye was not) are highlighted to indicate the resulting alignment of top level patches with the feature lines. (Dataset courtesy Cyberware.)

Copyright © 1998 Aaron Lee, Wim Sweldens, Peter Schröder, Lawrence Cowsar, David Dobkin.