Consistent Mesh Parameterizations

Emil Praun       Wim Sweldens      Peter Schröder

When given a set of head models an obvious shape to compute is their average. In general the connectivity and sampling patterns of the models are different and computing the average is non trivial. After computing consistent mesh parameterizations (red patch boundaries) and remeshing, all models have the same connectivity and sampling pattern so computing the average becomes trivial.

Abstract: A basic element of Digital Geometry Processing algorithms is the establishment of a smooth parameterization for a given model. In this paper we propose an algorithm which establishes parameterizations for a set of models. The parameterizations are called consistent because they share the same base domain and respect features. They give immediate correspondences between models and allow remeshes with the same connectivity. Such remeshes form the basis for a large class of algorithms, including principal component analysis, wavelet transforms, detail and texture transfer between models, and n-way shape blending. We demonstrate the versatility of our algorithm with a number of examples.

Status: Computer Graphics Proceedings (SIGGRAPH 2001), pp. 179-184, 2001

January 2001: Submitted & posted.
March 2001: Accepted for SIGGRAPH 2001.

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Copyright © 2001 Emil Praun, Wim Sweldens, Peter Schröder.