S.C. Borst, O.J. Boxma, M.B. Combé (1992). Collection of customers: a correlated M/G/1 queue.
Performance Evaluation Review 20 (Proc. 1992 ACM Sigmetrics/Performance '92 Conference),
(Received best-paper award.)
S.C. Borst, M.B. Combé (1992). Busy-period analysis of a correlated queue. (Letter to the editor.) Journal of Applied Probability 29, 482-483.
S.C. Borst, O.J. Boxma, M.B. Combé (1993). An M/G/1 queue with dependence between interarrival and service times. Communications in Statistics - Stochastic Models 9, 341-371.
S.C. Borst, O.J. Boxma, J.H.A. Harink, G.B. Huitema (1994). Optimization of fixed-time polling schemes. Telecommunication Systems 3, 31-59.
S.C. Borst (1994). A pseudo-conservation law for a polling system with a dormant server. The Fundamental Role of Teletraffic in the Evolution of Telecommunication Networks (Proc. ITC-14), eds. J. Labetoulle, J.W. Roberts (North-Holland, Amsterdam), 729-742.
S.C. Borst (1994). Polling Systems. Ph.D. Thesis, Tilburg University, Tilburg.
S.C. Borst (1995). A globally gated polling system with a dormant server. Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences 9, 239-254.
S.C. Borst (1995). Optimal probabilistic allocation of customer classes to servers.
Proc. 1995 ACM Sigmetrics & Performance '95 Conference, 116-125.
(Received 1995 Applied Probability Trust Prize.)
S.C. Borst (1995). Polling systems with multiple coupled servers. Queueing Systems 20, 369-393.
S.C. Borst (1995). Allocation of customer types to servers: clustering is optimal. Quantitative Methods in Parallel Systems, eds. F. Baccelli, A. Jean-Marie, I. Mitrani (Springer, Berlin), 191-205.
S.C. Borst, O.J. Boxma, H. Levy (1995). The use of service limits for efficient operation of multi-station single-medium communication systems. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 3, 602-612. [pdf]
S.C. Borst (1996). Polling Systems. CWI Tract, CWI, Amsterdam.
S.C. Borst, D. Mitra (1996). Optimal connection admission control in ATM networks.
Performance Evaluation 27 & 28 (Proc. Performance '96 Conference),
S.C. Borst, O.J. Boxma (1997). Polling models with and without switchover times. Operations Research 45, 536-543. [pdf]
S.C. Borst, J.L. Bruno, E.G. Coffman Jr., S. Phillips (1997). Scheduling two-point stochastic jobs to minimize the makespan on two machines. Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences 11, 95-105.
S.C. Borst, D. Mitra (1997). Virtual partitioning for resource sharing by state-dependent priorities: analysis, approximations, and performance for heterogeneous traffic. Teletraffic Contributions for the Information Age (Proc. ITC-15), eds. V. Ramaswami, P.E. Wirth (North-Holland, Amsterdam), 1457-1468.
S.C. Borst, S.A. Grandhi, C.L. Kahn, K. Kumaran, B.D. Lubachevsky, D.M. Sand (1997).
Wireless simulation and self-organizing spectrum management. Bell Labs Technical
Journal (Special Issue on Wireless Networks), 81-98.
(Received 1997 BLTJ best-paper award in category `Mobility/Wireless'.)
R.D. van der Mei, S.C. Borst (1997). Analysis of multiple-server polling systems by means of the
power-series algorithm. Communications in Statistics - Stochastic Models,
K. Kumaran, S.C. Borst (1997). Statistical model of spatially correlated shadow fading patterns in
wireless systems. Proc. 6th WINLAB Workshop on Third-Generation Wireless Information
S.C. Borst, P.F. Seri (1997). Robust algorithms for sharing agents with multiple skills. Technical Memorandum BL011212-970912-16TM, Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies, Murray Hill NJ. [pdf]
S.C. Borst, R.D. van der Mei (1998). Waiting-time approximations for multiple-server polling systems. Performance Evaluation 31, 163-182.
K. Kumaran, S.C. Borst, S.E. Golowich (1998). Correlated shadow fading and its effect on call dropping. Proc. 32nd Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems.
S.C. Borst, P.A. Whiting (1998). Performance bounds for dynamic channel assignment schemes operating under varying re-use constraints. Proc. Infocom'98 Conference, 46-53. [pdf]
S.C. Borst, D. Mitra (1998). Asymptotically achievable performance in ATM networks. Advances in Applied Probability 30, 568-585.
S.C. Borst, D. Mitra (1998). Virtual partitioning for robust resource sharing: computational techniques for heterogeneous traffic. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 16, 668-678. [pdf]
D.M. Andrews, S.C. Borst, F. Dominique, P.R. Jelenkovic, K. Kumaran, K.G.
Ramakrishnan, P.A. Whiting (1998). Dynamic bandwidth allocation algorithms for high-speed data
wireless networks. Bell Labs Technical Journal 3, 30-49.
(Received 1998 BLTJ best-paper award in category `Mobility/Wireless'.)
S.C. Borst, S.A. Grandhi, C.L. Kahn, K. Kumaran, B.D. Lubachevsky, D.M. Sand (1998). Simulation of self-organizing spectrum management in wireless networks. Proc. MASCOTS '98 Conference.
D.M. Andrews, S.C. Borst, F. Dominique, P.R. Jelenkovic, K. Kumaran, K.G. Ramakrishnan, P.A. Whiting (1998). Dynamic bandwidth allocation algorithms for high-speed data wireless networks. Proc. MOMUC '98 Conference.
S.C. Borst, P.A. Whiting (1998). Achievable performance of dynamic bandwidth allocation algorithms in high-speed data wireless networks. Technical Memorandum BL0112120-980831-19TM, Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies, Murray Hill NJ.
S.C. Borst, K.G. Ramakrishnan (1999). Optimization of template-driven scheduling mechanisms: regularity measures and computational techniques. Journal of Scheduling, 19-33.
S.C. Borst, O.J. Boxma, R.J. Boucherie (1999). ERMR: a generalised Equivalent Random Method for overflow systems with Repacking. Teletraffic Engineering in a Competitive World (Proc. ITC-16), eds. P. Key, D. Smith (North-Holland, Amsterdam), 313-323.
S.C. Borst, O.J. Boxma, P.R. Jelenkovic (1999). Generalized processor sharing with long-tailed traffic
Teletraffic Engineering in a Competitive World (Proc. ITC-16), eds. P. Key, D. Smith (North-Holland, Amsterdam),
A. Bedekar, S.C. Borst, K. Ramanan, P.A. Whiting, E.M. Yeh (1999). Downlink scheduling in CDMA data networks. Proc. Globecom '99 Conference, 2653-2657. [pdf]
S.C. Borst, O.J. Boxma, P.R. Jelenkovic (1999). Induced burstiness in Generalized Processor Sharing queues with long-tailed traffic flows. Proc. 37th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing.
S.C. Borst, O.J. Boxma, P.R. Jelenkovic (2000). Asymptotic behavior of Generalized Processor Sharing with long-tailed traffic sources. Proc. Infocom 2000 Conference, 912-921. [pdf]
S.C. Borst, O.J. Boxma, P.R. Jelenkovic (2000). Coupled processors with regularly varying service times. Proc. Infocom 2000 Conference, 157-164. [pdf]
S.C. Borst, E.G. Coffman Jr., E.N. Gilbert, P.A. Whiting, P.M. Winkler (2000). Time slot allocation in wireless TDMA. System Performance Evaluation, Methodologies and Applications, ed. E. Gelenbe (CRC Press, Boca Raton), 203-213.
S.C. Borst, P.A. Whiting (2000). Achievable performance of dynamic channel assignment schemes under varying reuse constraints. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 49, 1248-1264. [pdf]
M. Mandjes, S.C. Borst (2000). Overflow behavior in queues with many long-tailed inputs. Advances in Applied Probability 32, 1150-1167.
S.C. Borst, O.J. Boxma, M.J.G. van Uitert (2001). Two coupled queues with heterogeneous traffic.
Teletraffic Engineering in the Internet Era (Proc. ITC-17), eds. J.M. de Souza,
N.L.S. da Fonseca, E.A. de Souza e Silva
(North-Holland, Amsterdam), 1003-1014.
S.C. Borst, E.G. Coffman Jr., E.N. Gilbert, P.A. Whiting, P.M. Winkler (2001). Optimal carrier sharing in wireless TDMA. Journal of Interconnection Networks 2, 189-211.
S.C. Borst, P.A. Whiting (2001). Dynamic rate control algorithms for HDR throughput optimization. Proc. Infocom 2001 Conference, 976-985. [pdf]
M.J.G. van Uitert, S.C. Borst (2001). Generalised Processor Sharing networks fed by heavy-tailed traffic flows. Proc. Infocom 2001 Conference, 269-278. [pdf]
A.P. Zwart, S.C. Borst, M. Mandjes (2001). Exact queueing asymptotics for multiple heavy-tailed on-off flows. Proc. Infocom 2001 Conference, 279-288. [pdf]
S.C. Borst, A.P. Zwart (2001). Fluid queues with heavy-tailed M/G/$\infty$ input. SPOR Report 2001-02, Eindhoven University of Technology. Submitted for publication in Mathematics of Operations Research. [pdf]
S.C. Borst, P.A. Whiting (2001). The use of diversity antennas in high-speed wireless systems:
capacity gains, fairness issues, and multi-user scheduling. Technical Memorandum, Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies,
Murray Hill, NJ 2001.
S.C. Borst, O.J. Boxma, R. Núñez-Queija (2002). Heavy tails: the effect of the service discipline. Computer Performance Evaluation - Modelling Techniques and Tools (Proc. TOOLS 2002 Conference), eds. T. Field, P.G. Harrison, J. Bradley, U. Harder (Springer Verlag, Berlin), 1-30.
S.C. Borst, M. Mandjes, M.J.G. van Uitert (2002). GPS queues with heterogeneous traffic classes. Proc. Infocom 2002 Conference, 74-83. [pdf]
S.C. Borst, R. Núñez-Queija, M.J.G. van Uitert (2002). User-level performance of elastic traffic in a differentiated-services environment. Proc. Performance 2002 Conference.
K. Kumaran, S.E. Golowich, S.C. Borst (2002). Correlated shadow fading in wireless networks and its effect on
call dropping. Wireless Networks 8, 61-71.
M.J.G. van Uitert, S.C. Borst (2002). A reduced-load equivalence for Generalised Processor Sharing networks with long-tailed traffic flows. Queueing Systems 41, 123-163.
S.C. Borst (2003). User-level performance of channel-aware scheduling algorithms in
wireless data networks. Proc. Infocom 2003 Conference. [pdf]
(Received best-paper award.)
S.C. Borst, O.J. Boxma, J.F. Groote, S. Mauw (2003). Task allocation in a multi-server system. Journal of Scheduling 6, 423-436.
S.C. Borst, O.J. Boxma, P.R. Jelenkovic (2003). Reduced-load equivalence and induced burstiness in GPS queues with long-tailed traffic flows. Queueing Systems 43, 273-306.
S.C. Borst, O.J. Boxma, J.A. Morrison, R. Núñez-Queija (2003). The equivalence between processor sharing and service in random order. Operations Research Letters 31, 254-262.
S.C. Borst, O.J. Boxma, R. Núñez-Queija, A.P. Zwart (2003). The impact of the service discipline on delay asymptotics. Performance Evaluation 54, 175-206.
S.C. Borst, O.J. Boxma, M.J.G. van Uitert (2003). The asymptotic workload behavior of two coupled queues.
Queueing Systems 43, 81-102.
S.C. Borst, K.L. Clarkson, J.M. Graybeal, H. Viswanathan, P.A. Whiting (2003). User-level QoS and traffic engineering for 3G wireless 1xEV-DO systems. Bell Labs Technical Journal 8, 33-47.
S.C. Borst, M. Mandjes, M.J.G. van Uitert (2003). Generalized Processor Sharing queues with heterogeneous traffic classes. Advances in Applied Probability 35, 806-845.
S.C. Borst, M. Mandjes, M.J.G. van Uitert (2003). Generalized Processor Sharing queues with light-tailed and heavy-tailed input. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 11, 821-834. [pdf]
S.C. Borst, R. Núñez-Queija, A.P. Zwart (2003). Bandwidth sharing with heterogeneous service
Providing QoS in Heterogeneous Environments (Proc. ITC-18), eds. J.
Charzinski, R. Lehnert, P. Tran Gia (North-Holland, Amsterdam).
S.C. Borst, P.A. Whiting (2003). Dynamic channel-sensitive scheduling algorithms for wireless data throughput optimization. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 52, 569-586. [pdf]
S.C. Borst, A.P. Zwart (2003). A reduced-peak equivalence for queues with a mixture of light-tailed and heavy-tailed input flows. Advances in Applied Probability 35, 793-805.
M.X. van den Broek, I.J.B.F. Adan, N.S. Shankar, S.C. Borst (2003). A novel mechanism for contention resolution in HFC networks. Proc. Infocom 2003 Conference. [pdf]
R. Bekker, S.C. Borst, O.J. Boxma, O. Kella (2004). Queues with workload-dependent arrival and service rates.
Queueing Systems 46, 537-556.
R. Bekker, S.C. Borst, R. Núñez-Queija (2004). Integration of TCP-friendly streaming sessions and heavy-tailed elastic flows. Performance Evaluation Review (Proc. MAMA 2004 Workshop).
T. Bonald, S.C. Borst, N. Hegde, A. Proutière (2004). Wireless data performance in multi-cell scenarios. Proc. ACM Sigmetrics/Performance 2004 Conference, 378-388.
T. Bonald, S.C. Borst, A. Proutière. How mobility impacts the flow-level performance of wireless data networks. Proc. Infocom 2004 Conference. [pdf]
S.C. Borst, A. Mandelbaum, M.I. Reiman (2004). Dimensioning large call centers.
Operations Research 52, 17-34. [pdf]
(Received 2001 best-paper award from the Operations Research Society of Israel.)
S.C. Borst, R. Núñez-Queija, A.P. Zwart (2004). Bandwidth sharing with heterogeneous service requirements. Annals of Telecommunications 59, 1297-1311.
K. Debicki, A.P. Zwart, S.C. Borst (2004). The supremum of a Gaussian process over a random interval. Statistics & Probability Letters 68, 221-234.
G. van Kessel, R. Núñez-Queija, S.C. Borst (2004). Asymptotic regimes and approximations for Discriminatory Processor Sharing. Performance Evaluation Review (Proc. MAMA 2004 Workshop).
D.T.M.B. van Ooteghem, A.P. Zwart, S.C. Borst (2004). A stochastic mean-value method for the derivation of delay asymptotics in heavy-tailed processor-sharing systems. Technical Report, Eindhoven University of Technology.
A.P. Zwart, S.C. Borst, M. Mandjes (2004). Exact asymptotics for fluid queues fed by multiple heavy-tailed
on-off flows. Annals of Applied Probability 14, 903-957.
R. Bekker, S.C. Borst, R. Núñez-Queija (2005). Performance of TCP-friendly streaming sessions in the presence of heavy-tailed elastic flows. Performance Evaluation 61, 143-162.
T. Bonald, S.C. Borst, A. Proutière (2005). Inter-cell scheduling in wireless data networks. Proc. European Wireless Conference 2005.
S.C. Borst (2005). User-level performance of channel-aware scheduling algorithms in wireless data networks. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 13, 636-647. [pdf]
S.C. Borst, O.J. Boxma, N. Hegde (2005). Sojourn times in finite-capacity Processor-Sharing queues. Proc. NGI 2005 Conference.
S.C. Borst, D.T.M.B. van Ooteghem, A.P. Zwart (2005). Tail asymptotics for Discriminatory Processor-Sharing queues with heavy-tailed service requirements. Performance Evaluation 61, 281-298.
G. van Kessel, R. Núñez-Queija, S.C. Borst (2005). Differentiated bandwidth sharing with disparate flow sizes. Proc. Infocom 2005 Conference.
A.P. Zwart, S.C. Borst, K. Debicki (2005). Reduced-load equivalence for Gaussian processes. Operations Research Letters 33, 502-510.
A.P. Zwart, S.C. Borst, K. Debicki (2005). Subexponential asymptotics for hybrid fluid and ruin models. Annals of Applied Probability 15, 500-517.
S.C. Borst, A. Buvaneswari, L.M. Drabeck, M.J. Flanagan, J.M. Graybeal, K.G. Hampel, M. Haner, W.M. MacDonald, P.A. Polakos, G. Rittenhouse, I. Saniee, A. Weiss, P.A. Whiting (2005). Dynamic optimization in future cellular networks. Bell Labs Technical Journal, to appear.
S.C. Borst, I. Saniee, P.A. Whiting (2005). A shadow-price-based distributed approach to dynamic load balancing
in CDMA networks. Handbook of Optimization in Telecommunications, to appear.
I.M. Verloop, S.C. Borst, R. Núñez-Queija (2005). Stability of size-based scheduling disciplines in resource-sharing networks. Proc. Performance 2005 Conference, to appear.
S.C. Borst, K.G. Hampel, I. Saniee, P.A. Whiting (2005). Load balancing in CDMA networks: a dual optimization approach. Submitted for publication.
S.C. Borst, A. Proutière (2005). Capacity of wireless network with intra- and inter-cell mobility. Submitted for publication.
P.M.D. Lieshout, M. Mandjes, S.C. Borst (2005). GPS scheduling: selection of optimal weights and comparison with strict priorities. Submitted for publication.
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